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by Nick Banitt

Work is moving forward on the MnLINK Gateway’s replacement with WorldCat Discovery for end user searching and requesting. WorldCat Discovery allows for more relevant search results returned for users.

by Becky Ringwelski

We continue to work toward an implementation of the OCLC WorldCat Discovery platform.  To date, we have held five webinars for libraries interested in the OCLC Batchload/Reclamation offer available through the recently negotiated MnLINK contract. We are expecting to move to the new discovery platform by July 2016.

by Kyle Triska

This year’s Public Library Node meeting was well-attended, as Minitex and Minnesota public libraries came together to celebrate the successful completion of the MnLINK Gateway RFP and the anno

by Becky Ringwelski

The MnLINK Gateway RFP (Request for Procurement) Committee successfully concluded its process by signing a contract with OCLC for their discovery and interlibrary loan solutions on July 2, 2015.

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The online interlibrary loan portal to Minnesota's vast library resources