Minitex began in 1969 at the University of Minnesota Libraries as a pilot project called the "Minnesota Interlibrary Teletype Experiment," or "MINITEX," and became a full-fledged program in 1971 when it received funding from the Minnesota State Legislature.
Founded as a means for sharing University of Minnesota Libraries resources throughout the state, Minitex quickly grew from a collaboration between Minnesota academic libraries to enable participation and collaboration between libraries of all types in Minnesota and in the neighboring states of North Dakota and South Dakota.
Additional Historical Resources
Minitex Historical Timeline
A list of Minitex program developments and key events from 1969 to the present.
Minitex Oral History Project
Listen to or search the audio collection of oral interviews that captures the voice and experience of Minitex staff and Minnesota library innovators.
Minitex in the Digital Conservancy
Browse the Minitex collection in the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy and find historical documents, past newsletters, Minitex Policy Advisory Council documents, and presentations.