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by Nick Banitt
The MNLINK platform changed on April 30, 2024, after 20 years of service. Some updates are coming soon for library users and staff.
by Katie Huynh
I became more curious about using artificial intelligence (AI) after attending the discussion session, “The Future is Here: Navigating the tech landscape,” at Minitex Connect. I also usually have a hard time deciding what to read during the summer. So I asked AI for some recommendations. Read more to find out what they are.
by Zach Miller
Minitex's MNLINK interlibrary loan service will go live on its new platform on April 30. The service is getting a brand update at the same time, and that means retiring old logos and promotional materials.
by Nick Banitt
The MNLINK users group meeting was held October 26. The group received an update on ReShare implementation progress to replace VDX interlibrary loan service, and discussed the topic of who should be involved with this group.
by Katie Huynh
Looking for something a little scary to read other than Frankenstein or Dracula? Check out these spooky titles from the Wilson Library collection at the University of Minnesota.
by Nick Banitt
The MNLINK users group meeting was held August 10. The group discussed the replacement service for VDX as well as the timeline for implementation.
MNLINK logo.

The online interlibrary loan portal to Minnesota's vast library resources