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Discounted purchase and subscription options on a wide variety of library e-resources

In cooperation with more than 40 vendors, we offer discounted pricing on individual subscriptions/purchases of a wide variety of electronic resources. Libraries save both time and money when they take advantage of our discounts and coordination of the order and renewal process.

We also serve an educational role on emerging technologies relating to electronic resources, schedule product trials, help you promote electronic resources in your library, and serve as your conduit to vendors.

Electronic resources are available to all libraries in the three-state Minitex region, including both Minitex members and non-members.

Cooperative Purchasing Values

Minitex values and prioritizes the following in relationships with vendors:

  • Inclusiveness
    • Pricing models/levels/increases that reflect the reality of library budgets
    • Resources that are accessible to all library users
    • Active support of traditionally underrepresented users and groups
  • Service
    • Dedicated renewal and technical support contacts
    • Grace periods on subscriptions
    • Accuracy in billing and promptness in response to issues
    • Provide proactive updates to content, including when content is removed
    • Licensing terms that meet that needs of the modern teaching and learning environment
    • Up-to-date content (minimal embargos) and intuitive usage reporting capabilities
  • Partnerships
    • Timely responses to queries, including pricing and support
    • Honoring communication process with Minitex as primary contact and sole pricing contact
    • Collaboration on product awareness and platform updates
    • Sharing and interoperability of metadata across vendor platforms
  • Expertise
    • Technical expertise to support vendor products
    • Prioritize accuracy in content and metadata
    • Continually improving, intuitive platforms to meet users’ evolving search and reading expectations
    • Patron privacy and secure data practices