AskMN News
AskMN turns 15 years old on March 24, 2023. This article takes a look back on some of the highlights and how the program has evolved since 2008.
It's hard to imagine a single Minnesotan who wouldn't benefit from the chance to ask a librarian a question online, any time of day, any day of the week. You can give your patrons easy access to research support and help Minitex promote a great service by using the tools in the Promote section of the AskMN website.
While overall usage slowed down from the height of the pandemic it was still a very busy year for questions. The five year trends for overall usage and academic usage continue to increase and public library usage remains quite strong.
The AskMN FY21 Report has been published, and it highlights heavy usage of the service by libraries throughout this past pandemic year.
The North American Virtual Reference Online Conference (NAVROC) is now accepting proposals for our free conference Tuesday - Thursday, February 23 - 25, 2021.
In May, 2019, OCLC announced the sale of QuestionPoint and the 24/7 Reference Cooperative to Springshare. Since then Minitex and AskMN libraries have been preparing for the migration from the QuestionPoint software to Springshare’s LibAnswers and LibChat systems.
As library services are impacted by COVID-19 and we begin to navigate working from home, it is important that patrons are able to connect with the services offered to them. One way to allow for this, is by adding a chat service for your library patrons.

Online reference service staffed by librarians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week