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At Minitex, we love the staff in the libraries in our region that make our service as good as it is. We want to share some of the comments we have received in the last couple of months that will help you see how much your patrons love you, too!  


At Minitex, we love the staff in the libraries in our region that make our service as good as it is. We want to share some of the comments we have received in the last couple of months that will help you see how much your patrons love you, too!  

“I simply can't express how grateful I am that such a service as MNLINK exists. It puts me into touch with a world of books and audiobooks beyond parallel,and has saved me many trips (usually fruitless) to used book stores (not to mention the cost). Also now that I finally have a computer (better late than never) I found the site easy to use, especially as an internet rookie. I've recommended you to patrons at my local library in the past, but now I can recommend they try it for themselves at home online 'cause it truly is simple (esp. for the barely computer-literate). I sincerely hope government cut-backs never ruin your services and you, as someone once said, LIVE LONG AND PROSPER! Thank you for being here.”

“It's a big world of information and data out there! Having access to articles through interlibrary loan has allowed me to make forward progress on course-related research even when my public search engine hits a dead end. I've appreciated being able to send my "may day" requests to our school library for help in accessing information. As a distance learner, I still feel a connection or "life-line" to the library that's over 1,000 miles away. Thanks for the fast turnaround and high success rate of finding my requested articles.”

“Interlibrary loan helps me access information both electronically and in book form, for both personal and professional gain. I would not be able to access these materials efficiently, if at all, if not for ILL. And having materials shared electronically cuts down on the use of paper, postage/mailing costs, and increases the benefits of having the information returned very quickly to keep me working on a project.”

“It provided essential information I could not find anywhere else. This information is being used on projects to make pavement construction more reliable and cost-effective.”

“ILL has helped me immensely with my graduate thesis literature research. Through the service, I have access to numerous scholarly sources that I could not view otherwise. It seems like a cost-effective measure as well. With ILL, only one institution needs a subscription or inventory of materials, but they can be shared by those who need it throughout the entire system. If I survive my master's program, it will be because of the librarians who have fulfilled my many ILL requests!”


Kudos to all of the staff at Minitex libraries who make our patrons so happy!


Written by

Carol Nelson
Resource Sharing Manager
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The online interlibrary loan portal to Minnesota's vast library resources