Would you like to have a Minitex staff member come to your library for a training session? Please reach out when your library wants to know more.
On Thursday Aug. 15, Minitex Resource Sharing held the annual Public Library Node meeting at the Hennepin County Brookdale Library.
Registration is open for the Minitex Public Library Node meeting on Thursday, August 15, 2019. This meeting is for front-line interlibrary loan staff from the Minnesota public libraries which use MNLINK for request management.
Add your email address to receive announcements about MNLINK system related issues.
Learn about how MNLINK's primary search program, OCLC's WorldCat Discovery (WCD), has been making changes to improve the area in the search result set called Editions & Formats.
What unique items are available from interlibrary loan in our region?
Learn what genealogical materials can be requested through interlibrary loan.
Nick recaps the Public Library Node meeting held in August at the Hennepin County Brookdale Library.

The online interlibrary loan portal to Minnesota's vast library resources