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Strengthening the knowledge, skills, and efficiency of staff in libraries throughout the Minitex region

Minitex offers a wide range of educational opportunities. Through our training, support, and conferences, we strive to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and efficiency of staff in libraries throughout the Minitex region.

We offer virtual and in person training, topical webinars, and conferences throughout the year. Most of these are available at no cost.

Instruction by Subject

In addition to general topics of importance to library staff, we offer instruction in these areas.

eLibraryMN (ELM) and Ebooks Minnesota Instruction

The vast resources available to Minnesotans in eLibraryMN and Ebooks Minnesota can be overwhelming, but we are here to help.  Whether you are in a public, academic, or school library,  we can customize our free trainings to fit the needs of your patrons/students.  While we offer regularly scheduled and asynchronous training opportunities, we welcome hearing from you so that we can customize our focus to your specific needs.

Cataloging Instruction

For staff working in technical services, we provide training on existing and emerging cataloging standards such as RDA, copy and original cataloging, and linked data. We’ve developed 23 Linked Data Things, a self-paced online learning program that provides a structure for exploring linked data projects and getting hands-on experience in creating linked data.

Digital Initiatives & Minnesota Digital Library Instruction

If you work with digital collections, we offer classes and consultation in digitization, digital preservation, and metadata standards for digital collections (e.g. Dublin Core). If you contribute a project to the Minnesota Digital Library, one-on-one metadata training and other support is provided.

Resource Sharing Instruction

Resource Sharing uses a variety of interlibrary loan services, and has expertise to provide individual or group training for library staff. Assistance to consult about workflow and best practices is available. Resource Sharing also supports the MNLINK program and in addition to scheduled training, we will provide training for interlibrary loan and public service staff at your request.

Level Up and Guest Speakers

Minitex facilitates a wide variety of ad hoc sessions focused on the needs of our community.  We maintain the LevelUp calendar to include professional development opportunities shared by both local and national library partners, as well as hosting timely and relevant training by topic experts.   Session topics have included, but are not limited to: AI topics, accessibility, intellectual freedom, customer service,  e-resource management, DEIA work, data management, and information literacy.  Please reach out if you have any ideas for possible areas of interest and we can work together to organize and promote.

Minitex Conversations

Minitex Conversations are structured similar to an open office hour and are an opportunity for you to meet with Minitex staff on an informal basis to ask questions, learn more about a particular topic, and connect with others. Some of the topics we’ve discussed include:

  • Project Management (monthly, with different topics each month)
  • Minnesota Digital Library: How to Contribute
  • Digital Preservation: Ask the Expert
  • 23 Linked Data Things
  • Weeding in the Library
  • e-Resource Licensing


Minitex hosts and collaborates with other organizations to host several recurring conferences such as: