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by Nick Banitt

The new MNLINK interface will start the user with a keyword search box with a few of the most common material format limiters (books, articles, movies, and music).

by Nick Banitt

There are a couple of training sessions open for the new MNLINK Discovery service. These sessions will highlight many of the changes which will be available on Monday, September 19.

by Nick Banitt

When we go live with the new MNLINK Discovery for library patrons the URL used for accessing the program will change to

by Nick Banitt

The MNLINK user interface will be changing soon, with WorldCat Discovery powering your searches. People have questions with any change. Please let me know if you have questions.

by Nick Banitt

Minitex recently hosted three events related to the transition of MNLINK to the WorldCat Discovery interface for end-user requesting. Participants learned about the OCLC Reclamation/Batchloading process, the importance of that process for the system to work properly.

by Becky Ringwelski

The MNLINK Gateway Operations Committee met on Thursday, May 5 at the Hennepin County Brookdale Library. At the meeting, it was decided to discontinue use of the term “gateway” in connection with MNLINK.  The interface is now officially named “MNLINK.”

by Nick Banitt

The annual Minitex Public Library Node meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, at the Hennepin County Library, Brookdale.

by Becky Ringwelski

The MNLINK Marketing Committee received over fifty responses to a recent survey on marketing materials and formats that libraries find useful in reaching patrons. Based on the feedback, they will be developing a strategy for promotion of the new MNLINK Gateway.

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The online interlibrary loan portal to Minnesota's vast library resources