by Nick Banitt
Quick Summary
Tuesday, August 11, was a beautiful morning (a WCCO TV top 10 weather day!) for a drive out to Woodbury for a training session with the new interlibrary loan staff for Washington County Library. If you've never been to the R.H.

Tuesday, August 11, was a beautiful morning (a WCCO TV top 10 weather day!) for a drive out to Woodbury for a training session with the new interlibrary loan staff for Washington County Library. If you've never been to the R.H. Stafford branch library and administrative offices, you should go. When you enter the building you are overwhelmed with a lush garden and the sound of a waterfall (see the photo of the atrium above). Ah, but Minitex Resource Sharing staff, Nick Banitt, Raquel Franklin, and Kyle Triska weren't there to enjoy the ambiance, but for a training visit.
We met with the new interlibrary loan lead, Mike Shokunbi, and the new Technical Services chief, Brian Kraft. We talked and shared information about the MnLINK Gateway and Minitex Resource Sharing services. Mike has been working in interlibrary loan for the last couple months, so he and Brian had a lot of great questions. Mike's background in information technology really showed with his understanding of troubleshooting issues with the VDX system's NCIP interacting with their Symphony ILS.