by Nick Banitt
Quick Summary
Have you considered reviewing your ILL policies for the new year? Many MNLINK users reach out to our helpdesk with questions about the limit of active requests allowed. MNLINK library groups determine the limit of active requests allowed for each of their users.
Have you considered reviewing your ILL policies for the new year? Many MNLINK users reach out to our helpdesk with questions about the limit of active requests allowed. MNLINK library groups determine the limit of active requests allowed for each of their users.
Active requests are logged for each user at a requesting library. These requests are generally defined by being in a state of waiting to be filled or, the request is available for the user. Requests that have been updated to unfilled or cancelled will stop being counted as active, as well as filled requests that have been updated to returned.
Many libraries set request limits with the explosive growth of the MNLINK program several years ago. If you haven't reviewed this policy limit for some time, it may be worthwhile to explore what others may be doing and if it is still set at a reasonable number for your users. Your library's limit will only affect the users who request material that is delivered to your library. Please contact Nick Banitt ( in the Minitex office if you would like to review your MNLINK user request limit and hear what others have set for their limit. I would like to hear from you if you have any other questions about your interlibrary loan policies and what options may be available through MNLINK.