April 14th-15th marked the 2016 DPLAfest held in Washington D.C. I attended sessions at various locations such as the Library of Congress - Jefferson and Madison Buildings, The National Archives, and The Smithsonian Ripley Center. Highlights included getting clarity on copyright from RightsStatements.org, a panel session on the future of libraries, and information about DPLA's rollout of the collaborative Primary Source Sets project.
Minnesota Digital Library News
The three speakers in this DPLAfest 2016 presentation talked about their development of digital curatorial workflows to respectfully and conscientiously share indigenous community cultural heritage and intellectual property, all via open source platforms.
The newly digitized oral history collection from Saint Cloud State University documents the experiences of World War II veterans from St. Cloud, Stearns County, and central Minnesota.
In the coming weeks the Minnesota Digital Library will be launching a new resource for Minnesota Reflections users. The Minnesota Digital Library's Primary Source Sets will serve as an online resource for teachers and students. Each Primary Source Set will focus on a historic topic and will showcase resources found in Minnesota Reflections that relate to that subject.
Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) has kicked off a new service we’re calling Scan for Keeps. We have purchased two high-quality portable scanners and related equipment we can take into the community to facilitate engagement with folks who might have items of historical interest and to provide them with digital copies of their materials.
In December 2015 we noted that the Grand Marais Public Library was a new contributor to Minnesota Reflections. As part of the MDL/DPLA Public Library Partnerships Project they asked us to digitize a handwritten ledger containing the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Grand Marais Public Library from 1904 until 1967.
As the Minnesota Digital Library's Metadata Coordinator, I headed to Seattle on March 8 to attend the ARLIS/NA + VRA Joint Conference in Seattle, Washington.
The newly digitized content from the Military Historical Society of Minnesota document Minnesota's involvement in World War I. The Historical Society selected five volumes of county narratives to help tell the story of Minnesota's contribution to the war effort. Each volume contains photographs of the men and women who fought and served during the war.
Please submit your ideas for session topics via this form to Molly Huber, Chair of the Planning Committee by Friday, April 8th, 2016.
Topics from past years have included copyright and rights issues, licensing, digital preservation, digital humanities, oral histories, digital storytelling, and using social media to promote a project.
We are still accepting applications to become part of Minnesota Reflections in Phase 12!
![Minnesota Digital Library logo](/sites/default/files/images/2021-01/MDL_Primary_rgb-01-full_1.png)
Historical content from Minnesota's cultural heritage organizations, all in one place