by Carla Pfahl
Quick Summary
As library services are impacted by COVID-19 and we begin to navigate working from home, it is important that patrons are able to connect with the services offered to them. One way to allow for this, is by adding a chat service for your library patrons.

AskMN can help extend your online services by providing an access point for patrons to ask questions. As library services are impacted by COVID-19 and we begin to navigate working from home, it is important that patrons are able to connect with the services offered to them. One way to allow for this, is by adding a chat service for your library patrons.
Springshare purchased the QuestionPoint software and 24/7 Reference Cooperative, a network of libraries across the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as backup librarians from OCLC in May of 2019. AskMN is in the process of migrating to Springshare using the LibAnswers and LibChat platforms. AskMN will go live with the new software on May 27th of this year. Since AskMN is live, there will be no disruption in service.
We continue to add new libraries to AskMN. Now, with LibAnswers and LibChat, it is even easier to implement and get started, even with staff working in remote locations. If you are interested in participating in AskMN, or have questions about how to extend an online chat service to your community, please contact Minitex at