by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
Preservation Week (April 23-29) is an opportunity to bring awareness and connect your community to preservation events, activities, and resources. Visit the ALA website to find resources that can help with saving and caring for items, disaster recovery, and how to get started with preservation. There are also resources (event planner, logos, bookmarks, posters, handouts, etc) available to help plan a Preservation Week event at your library. Two free webinars will be offered live, or view recordings of any of the past Preservation Week webinars.

Preservation Week (April 23-29) is an opportunity to bring awareness and connect your community to preservation events, activities, and resources. Visit the ALA website to find resources that can help with saving and caring for items, disaster recovery, and how to get started with preservation. There are also resources (event planner, logos, bookmarks, posters, handouts, etc) available to help plan a Preservation Week event at your library. The following free webinars will be offered live, or view recordings of any of the past Preservation Week webinars.
Preservation Week: Caring for Your Textiles
Tuesday, April 25, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM (Central)
Whether it’s grandma’s wedding dress, a box of military uniforms, or an heirloom quilt, many of us have textiles in our homes that we care deeply about. Preserving these materials can be a challenge due to their materials, size, or condition. This webinar will offer an introduction to different physical characteristics and fibers and hazards faced by these items. A discussion of cleaning and storage techniques that are appropriate for home care will equip you to make good decisions so that your treasured textiles last. This webinar is intended for individuals with personal collections of textiles. It was developed by the Preservation Week subcommittee of the Preservation Outreach committee to offer a programming opportunity for public libraries to share with their patrons.
Preservation Week: Care & Handling of Heritage Textile Collections
Wednesday, April 26, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM (Central)
Do you care for the treasured clothing, quilts, lace, christening gowns and even, doilies and antimacassars, in your organization? What are the best ways for you to care for these fragile collections? This webinar will offer basic information for self-surveying historic home and heirloom textiles and identifying risks to long-term preservation of heritage collections. Topics will include condition assessment guidelines, environmental and storage adaptations for house museums, considerations in open display of objects, and short-term prioritizing of conservation needs. There will be time for questions and answers, so be prepared. This webinar is primarily intended for staff and volunteers with little or no experience caring for textiles who are currently working in a house museum or similar setting.
Preservation Week is sponsored by the ALA’s Association of Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). Learn more about why collections need Preservation Week.