Minitex News articles tagged with "ALA" (21):

Last chance to register for ALA Advocacy Academy
We still have some open seats for the ALA Advocacy Academy class, taking place virtually in two parts on September 20th and September 27th. This is the first in a Minitex series of library advocacy-related webinars, presented by Megan Cusick (Deputy Director for State Advocacy, ALA) and Shawnda Hines (Deputy Director of Communications, ALA).

ALA releases annual State of America's Libraries Report with COVID focus
The American Library Association narrowed the focus of this year's State of America's Libraries Report to COVID-19 in order to "spotlight the resilience, determination, and innovations of library workers in unprecedented circumstances."

Valerie Horton wins 2018 ASCLA Leadership & Professional Achievement Award
ASCLA has awarded Valerie Horton the 2018 ASCLA Leadership & Professional Achievement Award, a prestigious award recognizing individuals “exemplifying leadership and achievement in one or more of the following areas: consulting, library cooperation, networking, statewide services and programs and state library development.”

Minnesota librarians win 2018 ACRL Innovation Award
ALA has tapped Minnesota librarians Trent Brager (University of St. Thomas), Amy Mars (St. Catherine University), and Kim Pittman (University of Minnesota Duluth) for the 2018 ACRL Instruction Section Innovation award.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Using reflective structured dialogue
I attended the webinar Reflective Structured Dialogue Method with Essential Partners, which featured John Sarrouf (Essential Partners, a partner in the series) and Harriet Hayes (Bridgewater College). The purpose of reflective structured dialogue is to improve communication in order to enhace curiosity, mutual understanding, and respect. What follows is a summary of the second webinar in the ALA Libraries Transforming Communities three-part series.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Introduction to Dialogue & Deliberation
Facing a divided nation, the American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office and the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) are offering a free learning series to explore various dialogue facilitation approaches to position libraries to foster conversation and lead change in their communities. I'm currently attending the three-part academic libraries series, and what follows is a summary from the first webinar, Libraries Transforming Communities: Introduction to Dialogue & Deliberation.

Community Reading Platforms: Transforming Libraries, Impacting the Classroom
Minitex, State Library Services, a MN publisher, and two MN media specialists are teaming up for a free ALA-sponsored webinar on Ebooks MN. The session, “Community Reading Platforms: Transforming Libraries, Impacting the Classroom,” will happen Wednesday, August 2nd at 1 pm.
Xtreme Bibliographic Searching for Interlibrary Loan - Part 2, search tools
I recently took a four-week online learning class offered by the American Library Association (ALA) entitled “Xtreme Bibliographic Searching for Interlibrary Loan & Reference.” I wrote about the

Preservation Week: Bringing awareness to your community
Preservation Week (April 23-29) is an opportunity to bring awareness and connect your community to preservation events, activities, and resources. Visit the ALA website to find resources that can help with saving and caring for items, disaster recovery, and how to get started with preservation. There are also resources (event planner, logos, bookmarks, posters, handouts, etc) available to help plan a Preservation Week event at your library. Two free webinars will be offered live, or view recordings of any of the past Preservation Week webinars.

Library principles in action
As many across the country find renewed motivation to engage in civic and political discourse and action, the American Library Association has recently reiterated several points of principle for the profession as a whole.