Quick Summary
Preservation Resources site addresses preserving photographs and family documents in first installment of "Saving Your Personal Treasures". Second installment addresses Textiles.

For Preservation Week this year, we created a survey to find out what people had in their personal collections and what questions they might have regarding how to take care of these items. We reviewed your responses, which were interesting and varied, and decided that the first installment of Saving Your Personal Treasures would cover Photographs and Family Documents.
Our second installment offers guidance on taking care of your textiles. Visit the new Textiles page to find information about storing and caring for textiles as well as links to further information.
Check out the Preservation Resources site for both installments of Saving Your Personal Treasures and much, much more.
We hope you find our site helpful. If you haven't done it yet, please help us by taking the survey!
Thank you!