Digital Preservation
Minitex News articles tagged with "Digital Preservation" (34):

Coming this Spring: Digital Project Skills series from Minitex
Minitex will offer an introductory Digital Project Skills series on digitizing collections, metadata for digital collections, and preserving digital collections. The series is designed for staff of any library, archive, museum, or other organization planning or already working on digital projects. No previous knowledge is assumed.

Funding to Preservation: A Digital Content Life Cycle Series, Hosted by Minitex partners CARLI, FLVC, and NC Live
Spend Tuesdays this summer learning about funds for digitization, the importance of digital content metadata and transferability into different environments, workflow of processing born-digital records, best Practices in digitization, and digital preservation.

Last call to register for Minitex digital preservation course: Managing Digital Content Over Time
The deadline to register is Monday, April 8th for the spring offering of "Managing Digital Content Over Time: An Introduction to Digital Preservation." If caring for digital objects is part of your work, consider joining us for this 3-part virtual course!

Spring digital preservation course offered: Managing Digital Content Over Time
While many of the traditional resources found in libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage organizations--books, photographs, objects--can survive for years with no intervention, digital content is much more fragile. Managing it requires ongoing care and preservation activities to ensure continued access far into the future. Join Carol Kussmann (University of Minnesota Libraries) and Sara Ring (Minitex) as they present this 3-part virtual course in April.

Spring Minitex course offered: Digital Project Skills
Are you planning a digital project/program at your organization, but unsure where to begin? Attend this virtual course to learn about digital imaging (scanning), metadata standards and best practices, and how to protect and preserve the content you've digitized. This 2-part virtual course will take place on May 19th and May 24th.

Celebrate Preservation Week 2022
The April 24-30 Preservation Week theme is "Preservation in the Face of Climate Change" and will highlight the effects of climate change on our shared cultural heritage materials. During Preservation Week, libraries, museums, institutions, and communities are urged to examine the effects on collections and their keepers, as well as resiliency strategies.

Join us for a Digital Preservation Open Office Hour
The Minnesota Digital Library is hosting a Digital Preservation Open Office Hour on Tuesday, December 7th, at 11 am.

Last chance to register for Minitex introductory course on digital preservation
Registration ends on Monday, April 26th for the Minitex introduction to digital preservation virtual course. Carol Kussmann (University of Minnesota Libraries) and Sara Ring (Minitex) will introduce fundamental concepts for managing and preserving your digital content over time. The course will take place in two parts, on April 27th and May 4, with optional office hours on May 11th.

Minitex course on preserving digital content offered
While many of the traditional resources found in libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions--books, photographs, objects--can survive for years with no intervention, digital content is much more fragile. Managing it requires ongoing care and preservation activities to ensure continued access far into the future. Join Carol Kussmann (University of Minnesota Libraries) and Sara Ring (Minitex) as they present this two-part virtual course between April 27th - May 11th.

New Minitex course offered: Digital Project Skills
Are you planning a digital project/program at your organization, but unsure where to begin? Attend this virtual course to learn about digital imaging (scanning), metadata standards and best practices, and how to protect and preserve the content you've digitized. This 2-part virtual course will take place on March 30th and April 1st.