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by Matt Lee

On August 27, I was at Marshall-Lyon County Library leading an ELM workshop to public and school library staff from throughout the SAMMIE (SW Area Multicounty Multitype Interlibrary Exchange) regio

by Dana Kocienda

This electrical portable unit fully resensitizes Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips on print material, CDs and DVDs, ensuring a fully secured collection. A green light signals that the unit is operating. 

by Jennifer Hootman

Do you enjoy finding clues and completing missions? Do you like to be the hero in your own adventure?

by Beth Staats

If you haven't had a chance to respond to the AskMN Virtual Reference survey yet, please take a moment to do so.  We are working to improve the service and would appreciate any feedback you mi

by Beth Staats

Learning in libraries was the focus of a recent meeting of "thought" leaders who discussed aspects of learning in libraries including digital literacy, workforce development and adult education, an