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The Public Collection is a new series of art installations designed to promote art, literacy, and the love of books.


The Public Collection is a new series of art installations designed to promote art, literacy, and the love of books. boingboing picked up on an article from TeleRead highlighting the new installations as modeled after the Little Free Library project but with a different goal in mind. While the Little Free Library project is designed to bring free books to neighborhoods The Public Collection is a project to connect literacy and art and to bring books to low income neighborhoods and homeless communities.


Each installation, at a different location in downtown Indianapolis, has a different design. Some have revolving shelves, one is made to look like a stage, another looks like Greek Columns painted in bright green to stand out from its environment. The public library is behind the project and will regularly stock the shelves with books. They stated they will accept book title ideas from the public on what items should be added to the shelves so they are not filled with library discards or books people don’t have an interest in reading. They will also maintain age-appropriate books at many different levels and audiobooks in some locations. 

Written by

Carla Pfahl
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, AskMN Coordinator