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by Ann Kaste
Brand new from SAGE Publishing this year is the highly requested SAGE Video Title-Level Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) Program. You can now purchase our high-quality streaming video content in the same flexible format you’ve experienced as a SAGE Knowledge EBA customer. Contact CPERS ( if you are interested in group pricing options through Minitex.
by Ann Kaste
ERMN Attendees (and anyone interested in E-Resources in libraries): the community is alive and well! Join the new ERMN Google Group/Discussion list and attend our get together next week at the Minitex Connect Conference.
by Ann Kaste
You are already familiar with OER and Creative Commons and you enjoy searching for and reusing open works. In this workshop, offered by our friends in the SELFIN consortia, we’ll explain how truly “open” works need more than just a Creative Commons license!
by Ann Kaste
Curious about Open Educational Resources? Whether you are new to OER or actively participating in the OER movement, there is always more to do and learn. Check out OE Global's OE Week (March 7-11) events to get the basics, gather ideas, and learn more about the expanding and exciting world of OER.
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