by Anne Hatinen
Quick Summary
This free database from EBSCO contains context and solutions-oriented points of view within a scholarly collection of proprietary and licensed content on topics related to race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness.

from EBSCO:
Designed for high school and undergraduate students, Exploring Race in Society contains proprietary essays that provide today’s students with a deeper understanding of how current issues stem from actions and policies of the past.
Each topic includes an overview article and three essays suggesting potential solutions. Solutions essays are written by a diverse group of writers representing the fields of academia, journalism, medicine and other disciplines working to address issues related to race.
Topics include:
- Affirmative Action
- Black Lives Matter Movement
- COVID-19 and Communities of Color
- Digital Divide
- Environmental Justice
- Food Insecurity
- Neighborhood Gentrification
- Police Use of Force
- School-to-Prison Pipeline
- Sports Team Branding Changes
- Voter Rights and Voter Suppression
- Wealth Gap