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Quick Summary

Recently we asked for your feedback on what cataloging and digital skills topics are needed and of interest to libraries and other cultural heritage organizations in the region.


Recently we asked for your feedback on what cataloging and digital skills topics are needed and of interest to libraries and other cultural heritage organizations in the region. Your input is valuable as it will help us plan out a road map for training over the next couple of years. As part of our analysis, we have looked at the requests that have come to us via email and on training evaluation forms, and they are very much in line with the results of the survey. Here are a few things we learned from your feedback. 

We asked in general if you prefer shorter sessions spread out over time (e.g. webinars) or in-person workshops. There was a slight preference for shorter sessions over time, but the majority (58%) of the respondents said it really depends on the topic. This information tells us that we need to offer a mix of both in-person and virtual training options in the future.

RDA, BIBFRAME, and Linked Data

  • There is a very high level of interest in a MarcEdit course offering. We plan to offer at least one in-person session in the near future in the region.
  • There is a high level of interest in a variety of RDA training topics. We are just beginning to create a road map for offering RDA training in these topic areas over time:
    • RDA basics
    • RDA for music, audiovisual materials, online resources, serials, original cataloging, and for non-catalogers
  • There is much interest in Minitex offering training on emerging standards such and BIBFRAME and more generally, in learning more about linked data. BIBFRAME is still under development, yet libraries and other institutions are already implementing and developing tools to work with BIBFRAME. One of our goals in the coming year is to offer regular virtual BIBFRAME updates to libraries in the Minitex region.

Other Metadata Standards

  • XML basics and metadata basics were the two most requested topics in this section of the survey. Due to interest stated in the survey, we'll also continue to offer training on the Dublin Core Element Set.


  • Copyright for digital collections was the most requested topic in this section of the survey, with licensing digital content coming in at a close second. With DPLA finishing up their project “Getting it Right on Rights,” we’ll be looking at ways to implement their recommendations, and we plan to offer more training opportunities in the areas of copyright and licensing for cultural heritage organizations in Minnesota.

Digital Preservation

  • There was interest across the board in more training on digital preservation basics, using tools to manage and preserve digital content, and preservation metadata basics. One of our goals in the coming year will be to offer a series of guest webinars (with guest speakers) where staff can hear about how organizations are using various tools to manage and protect their digital content for the long term.

Thank you to those who responded to the survey! Send us your training requests anytime by emailing the DIME unit, or suggest a training topic via our web form.


Written by

Sara Ring
Continuing Education Librarian