Minitex News articles tagged with "Cataloging" (54):

Introducing OCLC WorldShare Record Manager
Have you heard that CatExpress and Connexion Browser are retiring soon? OCLC is focusing their attention on WorldShare Record Manager. Join Elissah Becknell (Minitex) and Elizabeth Tuckwood (Minnesota State Law Library) as they talk about adopting this bibliographic utility into their cataloging practice and point out important features and cool discoveries along the way.

Bethany Lutheran College seeks Cataloging and Technical Services Librarian
Bethany Lutheran College has an opening for a Cataloging and Technical Services Librarian.

North Dakota State University seeks Metadata and Cataloging Librarian
The North Dakota State University Libraries seeks collaborative candidates for the position of Metadata and Cataloging Librarian.

University of North Dakota seeks Cataloging Library Associate
University of North Dakota is hiring a Cataloging Library Associate for copy cataloging.

University of North Dakota seeks Government Documents Library Associate and Copy Cataloger
University of North Dakota is hiring a Government Documents Library Associate and Copy Cataloger.

NDLA 2019 Conference recap
In late September I was able to attend and present at the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, held in West Fargo. All in all the 2019 NDLA Conference was enjoyable and illuminating.

Registration open for Minitex Technical Services Symposium 2019
Registration is now available for the 2019 Minitex Technical Services Symposium: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Technical Services!

Change the Subject documentary to be shown at Minitex Technical Services Symposium
This fall's Minitex Technical Services Symposium will include a screening of Change the Subject. This documentary fits perfectly with our theme of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Technical Services, and the screening will be followed by a Q&A with film interviewee Tina Gross.

Cataloging and Metadata programming at ALA Annual 2019
We've pulled together a list of some of the cataloging and metadata sessions offered at ALA Annual 2019. You will also find links to the full list at the bottom of this article.

Guest webinar: Linking to the Future: the University of Minnesota and the Linked Data for Production Project
Linked Data for Production (LD4P) is a multi-year, Mellon-funded collaborative project to create infrastructure and best practices for the creation, migration, and discovery of library metadata in an RDF-based format. For phase 2 of the project, the LD4P partners issued an open call for libraries to join a cohort that will begin to produce linked data in a sandbox developed in cooperation with the PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging). The overarching goal of this phase of the project is to move closer to actual cataloging production workflows, and to begin in earnest the long-discussed transition from the MARC record. The University of Minnesota Libraries’ successful proposal focuses on the cataloging of artists’ books and fine press materials.