Minitex News articles tagged with "Training" (34):

Becoming a better pet owner with Ebooks Minnesota
One morning during the Summer of 2020, I woke up and decided to go to the Mall of America. By the end of the day, I was trying to figure out how to care for an 8-week-old puppy. If only I had known about all the great books about pet ownership on Ebooks Minnesota, getting started would have been much easier!

Introducing Level Up!: Your new library PD hub
We are excited to announce the beta launch of Level Up!: Minnesota’s new centralized library professional development website.

MNLINK training and more from Minitex
Would you like to have a Minitex staff member come to your library for a training session? Please reach out when your library wants to know more.

CLIC catalogers attend RDA workshop
On July 17, Lizzy Baus met with CLIC cataloging staff at the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. The morning consisted of a presentation on current and future developments of RDA and related standards. In the afternoon we put our new knowledge into practice and worked together to create a description of a book using the RDA Toolkit.

Upcoming ALCTS training in the new year
As 2018 winds to a close, it's time to look ahead to next year and some of the professional development opportunities available. The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) has many online offerings, including e-forums, webinars, and online courses.

RDA in a day at Viking Library System
On a recent December day, Lizzy Baus delivered a day-long training to Viking Library System staff in Fergus Falls, MN. The day's material was called "Bridging the Gap: AACR2 to RDA," and the purpose was to help the staff with their upcoming transition to the current cataloging standard known as Resource Description and Access (RDA).

PALS seeks Circulation Support & Training Specialist
Text Courtesy of Johnna Horton, Executive Director, PALS.
PALS is hiring a Circulation Support and Training Specialist!

OCLC CONTENTdm Basic Skills 3: Maintaining Collections
Presented by Sara Ring (Minitex), Maintaining Collections in CONTENTdm is the third webinar in the basic series for users new to CONTENTdm. This course provides instruction on editing collection items through CONTENTdm administration and the CONTENTdm Project Client. Additionally, the course explores workflows that make it possible through the use of tab-delimited data to import significant numbers of compound objects and/or legacy metadata in one operation.

OCLC CONTENTdm Basic Skills 2: Working with Text
Presented by Sara Ring (Minitex), this course provides instruction on the structure of CONTENTdm, navigating and using CONTENTdm Collection Administration to create and manage a digital collection that includes text-based materials, as well as using the CONTENTdm Project Client to prepare digital items for addition to a collection. After completing this web-based training, learners will have the foundational knowledge required to begin using CONTENTdm to manage textual materials.

OCLC CONTENTdm Basic Skills 1: Getting Started
Presented by Sara Ring (Minitex), This course provides instruction on the structure of CONTENTdm, navigating and using CONTENTdm Collection Administration to create and manage a digital collection, as well as using the CONTENTdm Project Client to prepare digital items for addition to a collection. After completing this web-based training, learners will have the foundational knowledge required to begin using CONTENTdm to manage digital items.