Quick Summary
Registration ends very soon for the Minitex/Minnesota Digital Library-sponsored virtual class Basics of AV Preservation. The class will be presented by Alyssa Magnone from the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) on March 5th, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. If you have audiovisual materials in your collection such as cassettes, VHS, or reel-to-reel film this is for you!

Title: Basics of AV Preservation
Date: Tuesday, March 5th, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
We will use Zoom for the session and by default, we enable auto-captioning in the webinar. This course will be recorded and captioned.
Do you have audiovisual (AV) materials in your collection such as cassettes, VHS, or reel-to-reel film? AV materials have a unique set of preservation challenges, often resulting in an inability to access the content they contain due to issues such as deterioration of the materials or lack of an appropriate functioning media player. These and other problems present challenges to AV preservation. This webinar, The Basics of AV Preservation, will help address some of these issues and provide you with approaches to mitigating them, stressing the importance of inventories and assessments, as well as planning for reformatting and digitization projects. It will also cover the care and handling of the most common AV formats, storage environment specifications, AV preservation “red flags,” and address safety concerns while working with volatile formats, such as nitrate.
A Resource Handout provided to participants will cover additional topics such as tools for identifying AV formats and packing and shipping AV materials. Basics of AV Preservation is geared toward libraries, historical societies, museums, and archives.
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash