Minitex News articles tagged with "Training" (10):

Last chance to register for Basics of AV Preservation webinar
Registration ends very soon for the Minitex/Minnesota Digital Library-sponsored virtual class Basics of AV Preservation. The class will be presented by Alyssa Magnone from the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) on March 5th, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. If you have audiovisual materials in your collection such as cassettes, VHS, or reel-to-reel film this is for you!

Society of American Archivists (SAA) training opportunity in Minneapolis
The SAA course, Arrangement and Description: Fundamentals, is coming to Minneapolis April 18-19, hosted by the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Register by March 18 to receive the early-bird registration rate!

New training opportunity: Basics of AV Preservation
Minitex and the Minnesota Digital Library are pleased to sponsor the virtual class Basics of AV Preservation on March 5th, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The class will be presented by Alyssa Magnone from the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC). Basics of AV Preservation is geared toward libraries, historical societies, museums, and archives. If you have audiovisual materials in your collection such as cassettes, VHS, or reel-to-reel film this is for you!

Coming in April: RDA for Beginners
Minitex is offering RDA for Beginners, another free virtual class in the Cataloging Basics series, on April 12th. Presenter Lizzy Baus (Macalester College) will guide you through the basics and beyond, exploring the history, development, philosophy, and conceptual models of Resource Description and Access (RDA), the current cataloging standard.

Coming in March: Copy Cataloging 101
This course is designed for student workers, volunteers, and full-time staff who need to find and evaluate MARC records to add to a library catalog. No prerequisites are required!

Last chance to register for ALA Advocacy Academy
We still have some open seats for the ALA Advocacy Academy class, taking place virtually in two parts on September 20th and September 27th. This is the first in a Minitex series of library advocacy-related webinars, presented by Megan Cusick (Deputy Director for State Advocacy, ALA) and Shawnda Hines (Deputy Director of Communications, ALA).

Minitex offers ALA Advocacy Academy training in September
We recently announced a slate of upcoming library advocacy-related webinars. The first will be a virtual offering of the ALA Advocacy Academy training, presented by Megan Cusick (Deputy Director for State Advocacy, ALA) and Shawnda Hines (Deputy Director of Communications, ALA). The training will take place in two parts on September 20th and September 27th.

Announcing 23 Linked Data Things
23 Linked Data Things is a self-paced online learning program that provides a structure for investigating linked data projects and obtaining hands-on experience in creating linked data. It is designed for library staff who want to learn more about linked data principles and explore how linked data can transform the way we think about metadata.

Training needs and interest survey
Minitex staff would appreciate your input around training needs and interests. Please take a few minutes to fill out this training needs survey with a deadline of December 17, 2021.

Last chance to register for Minitex introductory course on digital preservation
Registration ends on Monday, April 26th for the Minitex introduction to digital preservation virtual course. Carol Kussmann (University of Minnesota Libraries) and Sara Ring (Minitex) will introduce fundamental concepts for managing and preserving your digital content over time. The course will take place in two parts, on April 27th and May 4, with optional office hours on May 11th.