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Quick Summary

This year's Public Library Node meeting included sessions on a variety of topics from the introduction of the new MNLINK public search interface to information about resource sharing trends and the recently revised interlibrary loan code. We also had a wonderful small group breakout conversation about a timely topic in libraries, staff turnover.


The annual Minitex Public Library Node meeting was held Thursday, August 24, 2016. It was a good day with sessions on a variety of topics from the introduction of the new MNLINK public search interface to information about resource sharing trends and the recently revised interlibrary loan code. We also had a wonderful small group breakout conversation about a timely topic in libraries, staff turnover.

The breakout session had 6 groups pondering the following questions:

  • What are important things that might be overlooked when a long-time staff member leaves?
  • They didn’t tell me that!  What are some things that you have learned that didn’t come up in training?

Each group was tasked with coming up coming up with a top priority issue after brainstorming. Many of the priorities were interchangeable from both sides of the question.  Here are the outcomes which you may find useful for your own transitional planning.

Priority only outcomes

Complete list of outcomes

Original outcome lists

Are you looking for additional training, or would you like to talk to someone about best practices? The Minitex staff are always available. Agnes Lee, Carol Nelson, Nick Banitt, Obinnaya Oji, and Raquel Franklin have many years of experience in resource sharing, so please don't hesitate to contact us. We may be able to arrange a visit to your library or to provide training via a webinar for for your staff.

Written by

Nick Banitt
Resource Sharing Manager
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