Minitex News articles tagged with "MnLINK" (65):

MNLINK offers streamlined access to electronic resources
With many libraries closing their physical locations, is offering a new way for Minnesota residents to directly request electronic journal articles and chapters of electronic books. Just visit and click on the red “Request Electronic Resources” link to begin your request.

MNLINK patron login issues
Do you understand why your patrons sometimes have issues when they login to MNLINK? Read more about the process used by MNLINK to authenticate users in real-time with their library to confirm that they should have access to this requesting resource.

Cast your vote for MNLINK!
Last Friday, Minnesota Public Radio kicked off the "Minnesota Made Matchup." The contest asks listeners to choose two favorites among 80 places, inventions, and ideas with Minnesota roots. MNLINK is included!
MPR will "pair the top eight in head-to-head contests throughout the member drive starting Wednesday, Feb. 19." There's no time to waste! If every Minnesota library supporter and staff member votes, we're a shoe-in for the final eight. Vote today!

MNLINK user request limits
Have you considered reviewing your ILL policies for the new year? Many MNLINK users reach out to our helpdesk with questions about the limit of active requests allowed. MNLINK library groups determine the limit of active requests allowed for each of their users.

MNLINK training and more from Minitex
Would you like to have a Minitex staff member come to your library for a training session? Please reach out when your library wants to know more.
What is Minitex?
Learn about the programs and services that Minitex provides to all Minnesotans and Minnesota libraries in this five-minute video.

2019 Public Library Node meeting recap
On Thursday Aug. 15, Minitex Resource Sharing held the annual Public Library Node meeting at the Hennepin County Brookdale Library.

Register for the 2019 Public Library Node meeting
Registration is open for the Minitex Public Library Node meeting on Thursday, August 15, 2019. This meeting is for front-line interlibrary loan staff from the Minnesota public libraries which use MNLINK for request management.