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The Minnesota Digital Library recently passed the 60,000 mark for the total amount of unique digital items available on its website.

MDL announcement of 60,000 digitized items on website

Since 2003, the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) has helped digitize content from over 200 contributing organizations in the state. These materials include photographs, postcards, maps, bound and individual documents, letters, three-dimensional artifacts, oral histories, and much more. Recently, MDL achieved a new milestone: there are now over 60,000 unique digitized items in our free, searchable online database.

In honor of this milestone, we invite you to discover something new on our website at Here are some places to start:

MDL is always open to adding new content from new and existing contributors. Please contact us or visit our website for more information.

Written by

Stephanie Hess
Digital Curator, Minnesota Digital Library
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Historical content from Minnesota's cultural heritage organizations, all in one place