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An additional volume from the Military Historical Society of Minnesota has been added to Minnesota Reflections. Together with the other volumes in this collection, these books help to document Minnesota's involvement in World War I. These volumes are filled with invaluable information for historians, genealogists and World War I historians.

The Minnesota Digital Library is excited to announce a new addition to Minnesota Reflections. An additional volume from the Military Historical Society of Minnesota has been added to Minnesota Reflections. Together with the other volumes in this collection, these books help to document Minnesota's involvement in World War I. The Historical Society digitized a number of volumes from their collection of county narratives which told of Minnesota's contribution to the war effort. Each volume contains photographs of the men and women who fought and served during the war. These volumes are filled with invaluable information for historians, genealogists and World War I historians. This most recent addition is the volume for Freeborn County, Minnesota. The complete set of digitized volumes documenting Minnesota's World War I war service are now available in Minnesota Reflections.