150 staff from libraries and cultural heritage organizations attended the Minnesota Digital Library’s 13th Annual Meeting on June 15, 2015.
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The MnLINK Gateway RFP (Request for Procurement) Committee successfully concluded its process by signing a contract with OCLC for their discovery and interlibrary loan solutions on July 2, 2015.
The next time I go to ALA's Annual Conference, I will make Ignite Sessions my top priority. The sessions I saw were full of laughter and thought-provoking information.
At ALA, most of the major vendors present an update session on new products and developments.
Please save the date for this year's Minnesota Library Association Conference, and check the MLA website
The Maker Pavillion in the 2015 ALA Annual Conference exhibits hall appears to have expanded not only in number of vendors but beyond displaying just 3D printers.
Registration has opened for the annual Minitex Public Library Node Meeting.
ILLiad Users can attend the next ILLiad Forum meeting held via Webinar on October 15, 2015.
In the June 2015 OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan release, new functionality was added, including:
In the last few years, Minitex has reported some of the changes we have made in Resource Sharing, including the standardization of request formats, the addition of lender locations and/or call