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The eLearning Summit held last week at MCTC was full of sessions offering tips, tools, and tricks for teaching and learning via technological means. Nancyruth Leibold, of Southwest Minnesota
We’re developing a narrative-based instructional game to introduce the threshold concepts of the ACRL Information Literacy Fr
Minnesota libraries and schools, help us spread the word about ELM by requesting bundles of our new brochures!
This just in! Did you know that Hennepin County Library patrons can save their library barcode to their phones?
In a session at the eLearning Summit held last week at MCTC, I learned a lot about how teachers and educators in Minnesota are collaborating on digital curriculum through MPCC (Minnesota Partnershi
Last week I attended many interesting sessions at the eLearning Summit held at MCTC. At every library or learning-related conference I attend I always tend to gravitate to sessions on social
Minitex is offering special pricing for 3M brand DCD-2 compact disc overlays. A box of 200 costs just $199. Minitex also offers Highland LayFlat compact disc overlays. A 200-count box costs just $178.