Explore resources related to the women’s suffrage movement with the Minnesota Digital Library’s latest Primary Source Set for educators and students.
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nkoda, a digital sheet music serivce, is a potential new e-resources vendor for Minitex.
As an ode to Women's History Month, Daughters of Arraweelo: Stories of Somali Women, has been chosen as this month's Ebooks Minnesota highlight.
Registration for the Minitex Conversation: Metadata Practices for Diversity in Collection Management, will be closing soon.
Here is what you need to know about the new EBSCO user interface rollout and how it will affect search functionality within EBSCO products.
In Blue Earth County, the library and the elections department are working together to educate future voters (and their parents) about elections and voting.
The University of Minnesota seeks an HR Director with a base salary of $110,000. This position requires BS/BA degree (preferably in Human Resources) with at least ten years of experience.
EBSCO is postponing the release date of the Boolean Phrase/Proximity change until June 19, 2024.
Last year, Cooperative Purchasing helped libraries save over $4.1 million. How many books (or cardigans) could that buy?
The MNLINK transition continues to progress. The system is undergoing internal review, and training dates have been set. A news release is also available for libraries to share with their patrons and communities.