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Quick Summary

Here is what you need to know about the new EBSCO user interface rollout and how it will affect search functionality within EBSCO products.

EBSCOhost logo.

EBSCO has been gradually releasing a new interface across profiles (such as Explora interfaces, Reference Centers, and EBSCOhost databases)  and accounts (such as your local library’s direct account with EBSCO that works alongside the Minitex umbrella account) over the last several months. Some of the profiles that have already moved to the new user interface (UI for short) include Explora, Science Reference Center, all public library profiles, and school EBSCOhost accounts that have had relatively low use in the past year.  

What does this mean for you? The interface that you may be accustomed to looks something like this:
old interface

While the new UI looks something like this:

While you can opt in to the new UI anytime you choose by contacting EBSCO Support, here is EBSCO’s  schedule for rolling over accounts:

And here is the schedule for functionality improvements to be released within the new UI:

The delay in continuous functionality from the old UI to the new may determine how quickly you choose to migrate.  Many of these improvements are the reintroduction of advanced search functionality available in the current interface, such as those using specialized filters and medical headings such as those in CINAHL.


When will this affect eLibraryMN databases?

eLibraryMN profiles such as Explora and Science Reference Source have already been migrated. Other EBSCOhost databases are scheduled to move alongside academic library interfaces.

Can I try it out?

Yes, you can contact EBSCO support to request a preview.

Why would I migrate before the planned migration date?

If you have instructional materials that include screenshots or video of the old interface and/or  want to time the switch in alignment with your school’s course calendar, you may contact EBSCO Support and request an early switch.

Why would I wait?

As seen in the Upcoming Feature Release graphic, some functionality is currently unavailable but will be rolled out over 2024.  In addition, other functionality to which you are accustomed might be classified as an enhancement request. We encourage you to try out the new interface to ensure that you have the functionality you are expecting, and work with EBSCO to determine if an enhancement request is needed.  

Where can I find documentation about the features of the new UI, timelines, contact information for support?

EBSCO’s New EBSCOhost Transition Page is your one-stop shop for information, tutorials, assistance, and answers to more FAQs.

Written by

Ann Kaste
Electronic Resources Librarian
Anne Hatinen
Electronic Resources Librarian
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