This article gives information about how to find scholarships for college-bound students.
eLibrary Minnesota News
Earth Day honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the importance of long-term ecological sustainability and moving toward positive change for our planet. To help teach students about Earth Day, Britannica’s Curriculum Expert Team has put together a few activities and resources.
Lake Superior College librarian Bridget Reistad recalls how eLibrary Minnesota has contributed to the success of her students over the past 20 years.
Part of ELM (eLibrary MN), EBSCO's Science Reference Center resource is available via the EBSCOhost, Explora, or its own dedicated interface (which the ELM Portal uses). It's a full-text resource with content to support high school science classrooms, whether in-person or virtual.
Spread the word about ELM! Links to ELM resources are easy to share.
Lately, I've been attending a series of webinars on Information Literacy and the most recent was Media Literacy for Adults: Misinformation and Disinformation, presented by Nicole Cook, Associate Professor at the University of South Carolina. Her research and teaching interests include human information behavior (particularly in an online context) and she has published Fake News and Alternative Facts: Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era, which some of you may have read.
Ebooks Minnesota statistics are now available by city and public library group for the 2020 calendar year. If you're interested in seeing the number of users or sessions in your community you can access the data at Ebooks Minnesota usage by city or public library group, January 1–December 31, 2020.
Check out the Black History Month resources in eLibrary Minnesota.
ProQuest will be taking up to an eight-hour maintenance window beginning Saturday, January 30 at 9:00 PM CST to upgrade infrastructure, enhance security, and maintain reliability on many ProQuest products. During this maintenance window, the following products will be temporarily unavailable.
Did you know? Through its News in Education program, the Star Tribune offers free digital access and educator materials to all Minnesota schools.

Encyclopedia, magazine, journal, and newspaper articles, plus multimedia, primary sources, and more