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One morning during the Summer of 2020, I woke up and decided to go to the Mall of America. By the end of the day, I was trying to figure out how to care for an 8-week-old puppy. If only I had known about all the great books about pet ownership on Ebooks Minnesota, getting started would have been much easier!

4 photos of pit bull dog

One morning during the Summer of 2020, I woke up and decided to go to the Mall of America. By the end of the day, I was trying to figure out how to care for an 8-week-old puppy. Life hits you fast. 

For a little more context, I was at the mall with my mother and sister when I saw a Facebook post for puppies being sold nearby. I told my family I would “just check it out.” But once I locked eyes with one of the puppies, I had no choice. And that’s how we ended up with Guardian, who turned three this past April! 

This all occurred during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with most of our family stuck at home, we thought it was the perfect time to get a pet. But caring for a puppy was easier said than done. We were on our own, and we had never had a pet. We figured it out through much trial and error, and Guardian is a part of our family now. 

If only we had known about Ebooks Minnesota, it would have been much easier for us! Ebooks Minnesota includes books for first-time dog owners with detailed information and step-by-step guides on how to care for a brand-new puppy and how to make the process a little less wild. 

All dog breeds respond differently to training and require breed-specific care and attention. My family’s first step towards understanding occurred when we realized that Guardian is not a labrador retriever but a pit bull. We had to adjust our mindset. “Pit bulls are the best!” by Elaine Landau would have been perfect for us at the time! The book provides detailed information on pit bull personality traits, how to care for them (they need a lot of exercise!), the large amount of training they require, and how to personally prepare to bring one into your life. The book also explains that pit bulls are loving, protective, and loyal dogs, but that there is a stigma surrounding them due to their unfortunately violent background. “Pit bulls are the best!” is part of a series that explores many other breeds, such as golden retrievers, rottweilers, and miniature schnauzers. These books and others, such as “The Dog Encyclopedia,” are perfect for pet lovers.

Ebooks Minnesota even has books about making treats and toys! “Cool pet treats” teaches you how to make healthy and delicious treats, and “Designer dog projects” teaches you how to create sustainable toys. Both provide easy-to-follow instructions. I am going to try the Tasty Turkey Treat and the Terrific Tug Toy!

Owning a pet will always come with some ups and downs, but I promise you, they are worth it! Plus, I did the digging (Get it? Because we are talking about dogs), so you don’t have to! Make the downs a little less frequent by checking out these resources on Ebooks Minnesota!

Written by

Jesus Maldonado Sanchez
Marketing & Communications Generalist
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