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Minitex News articles tagged with "Ebooks Minnesota" (115):

Ebooks MN Holiday Highlight: Redheaded Robbie's Christmas story

A story of anxiety and the support of friends, Redheaded Robbie's Christmas story is a timeless holiday classic that everyone can relate to.

Trending Now: What’s popular in Ebooks Minnesota?

Which titles have been trending in Ebooks Minnesota over the past few weeks?

Ebooks Minnesota: Suggest a title for purchase

Ebooks Minnesota now offers a "Suggest a title" form.

Libraries as social infrastructure

Libraries are essential. But what makes them unique from other public spaces? I explored this question using resources available on MNLINK and eLibrary Minnesota.

Never too young to learn about mindfulness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it's never too early to learn about mindfulness to help keep us calm, focused, and healthy.

New Resource Pack for schools: Food, Nutrition, and Cooking

Minitex staff and librarians who work with eLibraryMN, Ebooks Minnesota, Minnesota Digital Library, and Resource Sharing have come together to create Resource Packs* for Minnesota schools! This month's pack features fiction, nonfiction, and primary sources about food, nutrition, and cooking.

New fiction and nonfiction titles around religion, holidays, sports, and more

New titles have been added to Ebooks Minnesota - including books about Minnesota athletes, religions and celebrations, prejudice and racism, and more.

Ebooks Minnesota classroom/community Read Request pilot project

Ebooks Minnesota is moving forward with a community/classroom Read Request pilot project.

New Mayo Clinic titles added to Ebooks Minnesota

Partnering with Mayo Clinic Press, we are excited to offer 40+ new health-related ebooks. These include titles for kids as well as teens and adults.

Earth Day eResources for K-12

In observance of Earth Day, celebrated every year on April 22, consider sharing the resources in eLibrary Minnesota with the students in your life.