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Metronet has obtained grant funding from State Library Services to pay for MLA conference registration or other professional development opportunities for Minnesota library staff. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity before time runs out. Courses must be complete by December 31, 2022.

A photograph of a woodland lake under a blue sky as the leaves turn in fall.

Thanks to an additional $10,000 ARPA fund allocation from the Minnesota Department of Education's State Library Services to Metronet, we are able to extend learning opportunities to staff in any school, public, academic, or special library or system staff in Minnesota. There are two opportunities:

MLA Conference Registration

If you meet one of these eligibility requirements, Metronet can reimburse you for MLA Conference registration:

  • In the profession five or fewer years & work in a Minnesota library. 
  • Have not attended a state-level conference (MLA or ITEM) in-person & working in a Minnesota library.
  • Currently unemployed from a library, have worked in a library within the last year, & seeking work in  a library. Your past employment in a library does not have to have been in Minnesota.
  • A student in an MLIS program or library media certification program.

Read all about it and apply and read all about it in our online flyer, Criteria for MLA-ARPA Scholarships.

Professional Development Awards

Metronet will pay the registration fee for any library-related course you wish to take throughout the fall of 2022. Staff in all types of libraries and at any level can apply. Groups are encouraged to apply. Training may be online or in-person. See our Suggested Courses flyer for ideas. Find all the info and the form you need in the Criteria for MLA-ARPA Scholarships flyer. Courses must be completed by December 31, 2022.