Minnesota Library Association
Minitex News articles tagged with "Minnesota Library Association" (23):

Collaborating to create a better collection at UMD
ARLD awarded Kayleen Jones the 2024 Minnesota Academic Innovators Award for her work collaborating with faculty, staff, and students to improve UMD's Children's Literature Collection. Jones' group emphasized books that better reflect the experiences of BIPOC students and provide positive representations for young readers.

Workshop a lesson with MLA's Instruction Round Table
Join the MLA Instruction Round Table on October 8 for an hour-long opportunity to connect around instruction related to the research process and source evaluation. Registration is free.

Minnesota Library Foundation Silent Auction accepting donations now
The Minnesota Library Foundation Silent Auction subcommittee is seeking contributions to this year’s Silent Auction Fundraiser, which will take place during the Minnesota Library Association's Annual Conference.

Engage your community: Submit a proposal to present at MLA
The deadline to submit a proposal to present at the 2024 edition of the Minnesota Library Association's Annual Conference is May 15. This year's conference will be held October 24-25 in Rochester, under the theme of "Connect, Advocate, Relate, Engage."

Minnesota Library Association launches Advocacy website
MLA's new site offers visitors important information related to Minnesota library advocacy, including legislative priorities, a calendar, and the agenda and details regarding MLA's Legislative Day at the Capitol.

Register today: Parliamentary Procedure for Libraries
Minitex and MLA are partnering to present this four-part series to give library staff the knowledge they need to do a better job running meetings, as well as participating in them. Professional Registered Parliamentarian Pat Reymann is leading the series. The final two sessions will take place on November 22 and December 6. Registration is free. Recordings are available for past sessions.

Save the date: Four-part webinar series on parliamentary procedure for libraries
This four-part series, presented by Minitex and MLA, will give library staff the knowledge they need to do a better job running meetings as well as participating in them. Professional Registered Parliamentarian Pat Reymann will lead the sessions. Registration is free, and is now open.

Helen Burke wins 2023 Borger Lifetime Achievement Award
The Minnesota Coalition on Government Information (MNCOGI) has announced that librarian Helen Burke is the winner of the 2023 John Borger Lifetime Achievement Award, and Elder Voice Family Advocates is the winner of the 2023 Finnegan Freedom of Information Award. An award ceremony was held in the Minnesota State Capitol’s Cass Gilbert Library, on March 16, Freedom of Information Day.

Opportunities for Minnesota library staff from Metronet
Metronet has obtained grant funding from State Library Services to pay for MLA conference registration or other professional development opportunities for Minnesota library staff. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity before time runs out. Courses must be complete by December 31, 2022.

MLA 2021: Inclusive leadership, information literacy, and intellectual freedom
We attended some great sessions at the Minnesota Library Association's Annual Conference this year. Here are a few highlights from Stephanie Hess, Molly Huber, and Sara Ring.