by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
Alexis Logsdon (Macalester College), Amy Mars (St. Catherine University), and Heather Tompkins (St. Catherine University) have published an article in College & Undergraduate Libraries. Macalester College's DeWitt Wallace Library generously provided the funding to make the article available via open access.

Text courtesy of Ruth Dukelow, Executive Director, Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLiC).
Alexis Logsdon (Macalester College), Amy Mars (St. Catherine University), and Heather Tompkins (St. Catherine University) have written an article which has been published via open access.
Macalester College's DeWitt Wallace Library generously provided the funding to make the article available via open access. Publishing "open access" means that the article can be read by anyone, anywhere, for free, ensuring that the article will reach a wide audience.
The article, "Claiming expertise from betwixt and between: Digital humanities librarians, emotional labor, and genre theory," was published in College & Undergraduate Libraries and is available via Taylor and Francis.
Please join me in congratulating the authors and thanking DeWitt Wallace Library for their role in promoting open access!