Quick Summary
I was a bit surprised to see this comical cover facing me when I entered our East Bank office the other day. Most of what we retrieve from the University of Minnesota's Math Library is rather dry, but every once in a while our science and math books show some humor.

I was a bit surprised to see this comical cover facing me when I entered our East Bank office the other day. Most of what we retrieve from the University of Minnesota's Math Library is rather dry, but every once in a while our science and math books show some humor. It is not just the cover of "The Cartoon Guide to Algebra" that's fun; the book does indeed use cartoons to teach algebra and is rated highly on Goodreads. Being of a certain age, I almost had a curmudgeonly reaction to teaching algebra this way, but then I remembered my high school chemistry class. Mr. Hake taught in the style of a stand-up comedian, and because of that I remember bits of chemistry to this day.
Our remaining titles of the week are "Surrealistic Pillow," "Vegan Bowl Attack," "Last Bus to Wisdom," and "A Manual for the Identification of Hairs of Selected Ontario Mammals."