by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
There are a few open seats left for Part 2 of the Minitex digital preservation tools show and tell series, which will take place August 9th, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (Central) File integrity, quality control, and format migrations tools will be discussed and demonstrated. Presenters will show how they use the following tools in their workflow: Exact File, DROID, ImageMagick, Handbrake, and Exiftool.

Learn more about tools and programs digital archivists and librarians use to help protect and preserve their organizational digital content. File integrity, quality control, and format migrations tools will be discussed and demonstrated. Presenters will show how they use the following tools in their workflow: Exact File, DROID, ImageMagick, Handbrake, and Exiftool.
Sarah Barsness, Digital Collections Assistant (Minnesota Historical Society)
Nat Wilson, Digital Archivist (Carleton College)
Who Should Attend?
For staff of any library, archive, museum, or other organization concerned about the long term care of their digital resources.
Some previous knowledge about the topic of digital preservation is assumed. Attendance of Digital Preservation Tools Show and Tell Part 1: Identify and Organize Digital Content is recommended but not required.