by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
Join us on July 19th, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for a free Minitex webinar. Learn about tools and programs digital archivists and librarians use to help manage and preserve their organizational digital content. Presenters from the region will demonstrate programs to help you understand the digital content you have, perform batch file renaming and transfer, and share programs to help you manage duplicates. This is part 1 of a 2 part webinar.

Learn about tools and programs digital archivists and librarians use to help manage and preserve their organizational digital content. Presenters will demonstrate programs to help you understand the digital content you have, perform batch file renaming and transfer, and share programs to help you manage duplicates. Programs include DD File Catcher, ReNamer Lite, Data Accessioner, Duplicate File Finder, and Duplicate Photo Finder. This is part 1 of a 2 part webinar.
Heidi Southworth, Digital Initiatives Librarian (Minnesota State University Mankato)
Sara Casper, Government Records Archivist (South Dakota Historical Society - State Archives)
Sarah Barsness, Digital Collections Assistant (Minnesota Historical Society)
Carol Kussmann, Digital Preservation Analyst (University of Minnesota Libraries)
Who Should Attend?
For staff of any library, archive, museum, or other organization concerned about the long term care of their digital resources.
Some previous knowledge about the topic of digital preservation is assumed.