by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
This webinar, presented by Mary Huismann, will introduce participants to the recent RDA best practices guides issued by the Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC) and the Music Library Association (MLA). OLAC’s best practices guides cover RDA cataloging of DVD/Blu-ray Discs, Streaming Media, and Video Games. MLA’s best practices guides cover RDA cataloging of music materials, music genre/form headings and medium of performance terms.

This webinar, presented by Mary Huismann, will introduce participants to the recent RDA best practices guides issued by the Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC) and the Music Library Association (MLA). OLAC’s best practices guides cover RDA cataloging of DVD/Blu-ray Discs, Streaming Media, and Video Games. MLA’s best practices guides cover RDA cataloging of music materials, music genre/form headings and medium of performance terms.
Mary Huismann, Music/Media Original Cataloger at the University of Minnesota, has worked extensively with music and media cataloging. She is an active member of the Music Library Association and the Online Audiovisual Catalogers, currently serving as Cataloging Policy Committee Chair. Mary has been a member of the MLA/OLAC Funnel for the National Libraries RDA Test, the MLA RDA Implementation Task Force, and served as a project leader and trainer for the University of Minnesota’s RDA implementation project.
This webinar session is available only to Minitex participants in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin. A recording will be posted online soon after the live presentation.
Who Should Attend?
Catalogers and other interested library staff who work with music, video, streaming media or video games; examples of such material include video recordings, audio recordings, music scores, video games, and so forth.
1. Cataloging experience, or basic knowledge of Resource Description and Access (RDA).
2. Familiarity with the MARC21 format for bibliographic records.
3. Familiarity with Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and/or genre/form headings.