There are only two weeks left to submit your proposals for the 2024 ERMN Conference!
This Veteran's Day, learn more about the diverse experiences of soldiers and veterans through Ebooks Minnesota and the Minnesota Digital Library, and Discover the local impact of war through the Minnesota Digital Library's "War Stories" exhibit series.
Registration for the Minitex Conversation: Ebooks in the Library will be closing soon. We are partnering with Sonia Krinke (Century College) and Chelsea Couillard-Smith (Hennepin County Library) for this conversation about eBooks in the Library. These collection development librarians will share their knowledge and experience with eBooks in library collections. You can join us by registering for this event.
Minitex and the Minnesota Digital Library have partnered with the Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums' Mutual Assistance Team to create a series of emergency supply caches around Minnesota.
On Veterans Day, the Minnesota Digital Library joins the nation in honoring military veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Explore our “War Stories” online exhibit series to learn about some of Minnesota’s veterans over the years.
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Capitol Area Library Consortium (CALCO), we are profiling a number of its members for our readers. The Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED) Library was founded in 2003. Under the able leadership of Dru Frykberg, the library has successfully navigated a mid-pandemic move and a shifting workplace environment.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board recreated a 1934 photograph of their grounds maintenance crew that is in the Minnesota Digital Library. Their then-and-now story was picked up by national media.
The November/December newsletter from Sentry Custom Security features the National Library of France, and a chance to win a $5,000 gift certificate.
Minitex and MLA are partnering to present this four-part series to give library staff the knowledge they need to do a better job running meetings, as well as participating in them. Professional Registered Parliamentarian Pat Reymann is leading the series. The final two sessions will take place on November 22 and December 6. Registration is free. Recordings are available for past sessions.