Did the raw emotions and relatability of Young Adult Fiction capture the hearts of voters, or will Historical Fiction's timeless lessons and epic tales prevail?
Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) allows libraries to replicate the right to lend their legally acquired items in a digital format to patrons under “controlled” conditions, meaning a library can lend only the number of copies of a specific title that it owns and that controls are implemented to prevent copying or distribution of the work. The comment period closes April 21.
Sebastian Hammer, co-founder of the library software company Index Data, will deliver the keynote address at Minitex Connect on May 14. In 2018, he helped launch Project ReShare, which is the new resource sharing platform for MNLINK.
The incumbent in this position will serve as Curator of the Upper Midwest Literary Archive while also serving as Research Services Assistant for the University of Minnesota Libraries Archives and Special Collections. This is a two-year temporary appointment with an initial minimum salary of $46,613.
The University of Minnesota seeks a Project Archivist with a base salary of $46,613. This position requires a Bachelor's degree and two years of related experience or a combination of related education and work experience to equal six years.
A new shared collection of ebooks and audiobooks for schools is coming this fall.
ITEM and the MLA Intellectual Freedom Committee have been invited to exhibit and present at the upcoming Time to Thrive Summit being held in Minneapolis on May 18.
In observance of Earth Day, celebrated every year on April 22, consider sharing the resources in eLibrary Minnesota with the students in your life.
The March/April newsletter from Sentry Custom Security features an oasis of knowledge and culture in the Middle East, and a chance to win a $5,000 gift certificate.
Minitex staff and librarians who work with eLibraryMN, Ebooks Minnesota, Minnesota Digital Library, and Resource Sharing have come together to create Resource Packs* for Minnesota schools! This month's pack features fiction, nonfiction, and primary sources about sports and sports history.