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A tip from Nick Banitt for searching editions on MNLINK.

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MNLINK uses WorldCat Discovery for searching, which will provide a broad array of results of various materials that match the provided search terms. WorldCat Discovery provides access to more than 400 million bibliographic records and more than 3 billion content neutral records with the central index included. Aggregating these collection records creates a nightmare scenario when broad search terms and many different versions or editions of the same title exist.

What should you do when your search results don't appear to display the edition you want? Since we launched this new MNLINK search program there have been a couple of changes that deal with this situation where like editions are hidden on the display. The most recent change has added a check box to group (or ungroup) the various editions of a title at the top of the search facets in the left navigation. The records grouped in the Editions & Formats area of the display has been a source of confusion for many users, so I hope these changes start to alleviate some concerns.

Written by

Nick Banitt
Resource Sharing Manager
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