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Quick Summary

Becky Ringwelski met with Katie Birch, Executive Director, OCLC Resource Sharing while attending the American Library Association midwinter conference in Atlanta this year. Becky wanted to learn more about the plans for a replacement for the VDX interlibrary loan system currently used by MNLINK.


I met with Katie Birch, Executive Director, OCLC Resource Sharing while attending the American Library Association midwinter conference in Atlanta this year. OCLC had announced just before ALA that they had acquired the Relais product for consortial resource sharing. I wanted to learn more about the plans for a replacement for the VDX interlibrary loan system currently used by MNLINK.  Katie confirmed that MNLINK will move to Relais when the product development meets the needs of our environment. We will continue to use OCLC WorldCat Discovery as our MNLINK user interface. Katie will be presenting at the upcoming Minitex Interlibrary Loan Conference on May 17, and we will be learning more about Relais, the timeline for the transition, and OCLC's roadmap for changes and development.


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The online interlibrary loan portal to Minnesota's vast library resources