by Carol Nelson
Quick Summary
OCLC is making recordings of the sessions from the 2017 Resource Sharing Conference, "Sharing Breakthroughs," held in Virginia Beach, Virginia March 13-16 available for everyone to watch.

OCLC is making recordings of the sessions from the 2017 Resource Sharing Conference, "Sharing Breakthroughs," held in Virginia Beach, Virginia March 13-16 available for everyone to watch. I had the opportunity to attend this first OCLC Resource Sharing Conference and found it enjoyable and informative. Some of the general sessions focused on the new OCLC product, Tipasa, which is planned to replace ILLiad over the next several years. OCLC has announced that it will be revealing next year's venue along with a call for session proposals soon. Take a look at just a few of the sessions provided this year and check out the entire program for more offerings:
- Expediting Document Delivery from Remote Storage
- Smart Fulfillment: A Vision from the Corn Fields
- The Long Courtship: The Engagement of ILL and Acquisitions
- Practical Tips for New ILL Librarians
Sharing is what we do best and this conference provided both structured sessions as well as social events where we could connect with our ILL peers. I would highly recommend this conference for ILL staff if you have the opportunity to attend.
Also, don't forget that you can register now for the Minitex ILL Conference on May 17 at University of Minnesota Continuing Education and Conference Center in St. Paul. This year we have J. Jeff Kober presenting, "Things I Wish I Could Tell My Librarian," and Katie Birch on "Revolutionizing Resource Sharing." We hope to see you there!