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The Minnesota State Horticultural Society recently added over 200 photographs to their collection in the Minnesota Digital Library, including many from past Minnesota State Fairs.

Neatly piled pyramids of apples in a large room with lots of light being looked at by white men in dark suits.

The Great Minnesota Get Together is just over a month away. Can't wait? Make the time go faster by browsing these images of Minnesota State Fairs past from the Minnesota State Horticultural Society. The Society recently added over 200 images to their collection in MDL, including many of past prize-winning fruits, vegetables, and flowers at the Fair. There are also photographs of garden shows, nature art, and society members engaged in various activities. Think you have some prize produce? Compare it to those from Minnesota growers of the past here

Written by

Molly Huber
Outreach Coordinator, Minnesota Digital Library
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